Friday, July 4, 2008


For reasons of mental and spiritual health I decided to take a short sabbatical from my usual routine. This involves abstinence from engagement in any sort of formal theological inquiry, supplemental reading, and anything of the nature. (Except of course what is required for me to adequately teach my American Church History class.) I will continue the series on Romans 4.1-9 at a later date.

Instead, I am taking this time for prayerful reflection and contemplation. I think that soul searching is something that all of us need to do once in a while. And I feel that with my internships, upcoming ministry trip to Europe, and various other events in my life it is a good time for me to take a break from "thinking" as my sister Candace says and try to focus on a simple, even mystical faith.

In the meantime, if you haven't read any of my early posts I would encourage you to. They are much different from what I have been doing recently and are more artistic in nature. Also, check out my brothers blog over at

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